How to Have Fun This Winter!

Farm Brand
9 min readJan 2, 2021

An Outdoor Winter Activity Checklist to Instill Smiles

Photo by Fabrice Villard on Unsplash

Hello and welcome to the Farm Brand Medium Blog- A place where content is inspired by the pursuit of instilling a greater good and where our voices can be used to speak on the things that matter. Enjoy this article and remember to smile today :)

Winter means different things to each of us. We all come from unique places and live in areas where winter can take on meanings that are just about as polar opposite as you can get.

Some of us get to deal (and have fun!) with the extreme cold, as winter layers her blanket of snow over the Earth and whispers chillier winds into our ears.

Some of us remain in places where the sun likes not to go away, sticking around to make for sunshiny days with just a little touch of the cold in the air reminding you that summer has alas said goodbye.

Yet regardless of whether you reside in a cold climate or a warm one, sometimes it can indeed be a tricky game balancing the necessity to get outside and breath fresh air with outside activities that are actually fun, while also taking advantage of just how amazing it can be to cozy up inside.



Farm Brand

Farm Brand is more than just purveyors of your favorite clothing. We are here to use our voice as a means to instill a greater good and positivity to all!